Bob Hancké
9 minutes ago5 min read
Bob Hancké
3 days ago6 min read
Bob Hancké
6 days ago5 min read
In cooperation with Nord France Invest, we analysed how the combination of wider trends is creating the mother of all challenges for all UK-based companies trading with Europe. We found that Brexit, in the guise of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and EU, has not created a flat, level playing field for trade among equals but an imbalanced and only narrowly “free” trading relationship.
Political economy is a social science examining the reciprocal relationships between politics and markets, both within and among countries, using a variety of analytical tools.
Topics in political economy include:
â–· Inequality & redistribution
â–· Economic development
â–· Globalisation & populism
â–· Macroeconomic policy & economic crises
â–· Environmental policy
EPIC - the European Policy Information Centre is an independent consultancy and training agency that which specialises in issues related to European integration. Founded in 1999, EPIC does not act on behalf of any governmental office or European institution, and aims to provide factual evidence, when highlighting the strengths, but also the shortcomings of the European project. EPIC draws on the insider knowledge of practitioners and scholars from across Europe, east and west, north and south. Our mission is to bring together experts with those keen on furthering their understanding of the EU.
Bob Hancké, 11 rue du pont, 85610 Cugand, France
T: +33 (0) 6 37 52 12 29
E: bob.hancké
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